Poin Penting

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Museum Bahari Indonesia

 Maritime Museum Indonesia
At the end of the North Tower Syahbandar Maharashtra, precisely at the ancient port of Sunda Kelapa area, stand Maritime Museum (Maritime Museum), which showcased a variety of relics in the ancient Dutch VOC in the form of a model or a small replica, photo, painting and various models of traditional boats, boat the original, navigation tools, harbor and other objects associated with the maritime Indonesia. The museum is trying to portray to the visitors about the fishing traditions of the ancestors of Indonesian and also importance to the economy of Indonesian seas of the past until now.

This museum also has various models of fishing vessels from all over Indonesia as well as stone anchors from several places, modern steam engines and ships also Pinisi (ship Phinisi Archipelago) from Bugis (South Sulawesi), which has now become one of the world famous sailing ship .

Located on Jl. Fish Market No. 1. North Jakarta, Phone: 6693406.

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